Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Arvina received a Diploma (Mag.rer.nat. equivalent BSc-MSc) in Psychology from the University of Vienna (Austria) and obtained a PhD in Neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf at the Department of Systems Neuroscience (Germany). She is a passionate researcher dedicated to better understanding pain and the subsequent burden that comes with it. Her previous research focused on the influence of uncertainty during pain experiences. She used techniques and approaches such as EEG, fMRI, and Bayesian integration to further analyze and predict inter-individual differences in pain processing in the human brain and body.
Her recent project in Vitaly Napadow’s lab investigates the influence and underlying neural mechanisms of the therapeutic alliance and social relationship between chronic pain patients and clinicians over time using an MRI hyperscan approach (i.e. simultaneous dual-brain scanning). Other projects that Arvina is involved in investigate the following topics targeting chronic pain populations: Psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, treatment experiences and placebo analgesia, and optimizing neuroimaging hyperscan methods.
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