July 1, 2019
Current research assistants Kylie Isenburg and Harrison Fisher were joined by former lab member Ishtiaq Mawla along with Vitaly in bucolic Burlington, VT for the 2019 SAR conference. Harris presented a poster on a functional connectivity assessment of electro-acupuncture treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Kylie and Ishtiaq captivated audiences with their talks on how acupuncture for reduces pressure pain in clinical low back pain through dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation, and how acupunture changes the sensorimotor network in Fibromyalgia, respectively. Perhaps the most notable outcome occured when Kylie won the Outstanding Junior Researcher in Basic Science Award!!
Kylie: “Acupuncture analgesia in clinical low back pain is associated with greater activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and a reduction in hyperalgesia to pressure pain”

Ishtiaq: “Acupuncture promotes sensorimotor network neuroplasticity in Fibromyalgia”

Harris: “Distal, but not local, acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome modulates S1 finger connectivity to anterior mid-cingulate”

The gang also found time to enjoy a scenic bike ride along Lake Champlain.