August 27, 2020
Kylie Isenburg, after 4 incredible years of contributing to the Napadow Lab, is moving on to continue her education at Boston University. Over the course of her time in the lab, Kylie became an invaluable and trusted member. As a study coordinator, she is unsurpassed, and dealt with the challenges of coordinating study visits for our most complex study: Hyperscanning. In reality, Kylie also coordinated the whole lab. If something is happening in the lab, she knows about it and is already dealing with it. Kylie also worked hard to grow her computational and data analysis skills. Her progress in this area has been remarkable, and we’re excited to see how she continues to grow throughout her PhD track!
The lab gathered at Vitaly’s house to have a safe socially-distant going away party, complete with a beautiful walk in The Fells and many laughs. Kylie is leaving behind big shoes to fill (metaphorically speaking), and she can never be replaced. Maya, who joined our group this summer, has been stepping up to learn as much as she can from Kylie about the Hyperscan Project before her program starts this fall. We’ll miss you, Kylie, but as your friends and coworkers, we consider ourselves very lucky that you decided to stay in Boston.