July 19, 2022
It’s that time of year again! Each summer the Napadow Lab undergoes staff changes as undergradaute programs end and graduate programs begin. First, we said goodbye to Dr. Kyungsan Han, a postdoctoral research fellow who helped tremedously with our gut-brain research. She is heading back to her home institution, the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM, Republic of Korea), to work as a research scientist. Additionally, Maya Barton Zuckerman left the Napadow Lab this summer to begin her PhD at Northeastern. Maya started with the lab as an intern in 2018 and joined full-time in 2020 as a research assistant on the Hyperscanning study. Maya has been a part of lab operations for many years and will be greatly missed by all. Finally, this summer we will also be saying goodbye to Kassandra Round. Kassandra has done amazing work as a research assistant on the Migraine Relief Study and is starting a Master’s of Social Work in the Fall. Kassandra has been with the migraine study from the beginning and has masterfully kept it up and running since 2020.
On the bright side, all of these goodbyes are a chance for some new hellos. This summer we welcomed Seneca Ellis and Lily Kinder, two new Research Assistants. Seneca graduated from Bowdoin College this year and will be working with the Hyperscanning team. Lily also graduated this year from Bates College and will be working on the Migraine Relief Study. Both Seneca and Lily bring great experience from their undergraduate institutions and we are so excited to welcome them to the Napadow Lab!